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Salvia, Painted Sage

Salvia, Painted Sage

Regular price $5.00 USD
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With over 900 salvia varieties, we're only going to focus on a few, for now! ;) One of the reasons we love Salvia is because they're generally hardy and easy to grow, plus they are versatile in the garden and can be grown in pretty much all situations, from mixed borders, rock gardens, container or raised bed plantings, etc. 

These beautiful tri-colored plants are easy to grow and look stunning in your raised beds, aspiring cottage garden, or wherever you plant them!  Each plant will showcase a mix of vibrant purples, pinks and white blooms from summer through fall and early winter.  Jess grows these in her own garden and they typically thrive until the first hard freeze. 

Painted Sage is highly attractive to pollinators (and ignored by deer/rabbits) and also makes a great cut flower for fresh and dried floral arrangements.  To dry the bracts for floral arrangements, harvest the plant when bracts feel papery and hang them upside down until dry.  

Transplant outside after the last frost.  Plants grow 14-24" tall and wide, thriving in well-draining soil and at least 6 hours of sun a day.  

*Note that this plant is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Clary Sage, which is the common name for Salvia Scalerea--a highly invasive plant on Washington State's noxious weed list (and is illegal to grow and sell).  For more information, here's a great resource:

  • Days to Maturity: 80 
  • Companion Plants: Alliums, Aster, Basil, Bee Balm, Cosmos, Tomatoes, Zinnias
  • Hardy Annual, Open-Pollinated
  • Plant Spacing: 12"

Photo Credit: Jessica Page, High Mowing Seeds

Growing Guide

Whether you're a new or seasoned gardener, it can be good to educate yourself about your new plant.
We highly recommend (& use ourselves) the Almanac's Growing Guides.

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