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Tomato, Paul Robeson

Tomato, Paul Robeson

Regular price $5.00 USD
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Bringing you another one of our personal favorites!  This juicy heirloom produces medium-sized dark red fruits with dark green to black shoulders, producing fruits that average about 7-10 ounces.  The flavor is rich and a bit smoky and it makes the BEST tomato soup!  We also love it on a good summer burger, BLT...basically everything.  

This heirloom variety was named in honor of Paul Robeson (1898-1976).  Paul Robeson was an African American actor, athlete, singer, linguist and an outspoken activist for racial equality and social justice for African Americans and all colonized peoples.  

Tomatoes love full sun and well-draining, fertile soil.  Planting tip:
Plant your tomato DEEP, like all the way up to the first set of bottom leaves.  Doing so encourages a stronger root system.  Amend with compost or worm castings and mulch at the base to ensure good soil moisture for the growing season.  Staking is highly recommended - our favorite methods are single staking and the Florida Weave! 

  • Days to Maturity: 70 - 90
  • Type: Slicer
  • Companion Plants: Basil, Borage, Cilantro, Cosmos, Parsley, Peppers
  • Heirloom, Open-Pollinated (OP), Indeterminate 
  • Plant Spacing: 12 - 24" 

Photo Credit: Jess Page

Growing Guide

Whether you're a new or seasoned gardener, it can be good to educate yourself about your new plant.
We highly recommend (& use ourselves) the Almanac's Growing Guides.

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