Hot Pepper, Serrano Huasteca
Hot Pepper, Serrano Huasteca
If you like pico de gallo or Mexican hot sauces, then you like Serrano peppers! This particular variety, Serrano Huasteca, is a small fruited pepper that produces flavorful, hot, dark green, 2-2.5" fruit, even in cool summers. These peppers are a little bit slower to turn red and ripen than other hot peppers but trust us, the extra flavor is worth the wait!!
Plants grow 24-36" in height. Staking isn't required but can help regulate air flow. All our serrano plants have been topped, which means they will grow nice and bushy, producing high yields, given the right growing conditions.
Peppers thrive in full sun and well-draining, fertile soil. Mulching around the base of the plant to retail soil moisture. Great for containers!
Scoville Heat Units:
- Days to Harvest: 75 green, 100 red
- Companion Plants: Basil, Beans, Parsley, Tomatoes
- Open-Pollinated (OP)
- Plant Spacing: 12 - 18"
Photo Credit: Jess Page, Kristen Kadow
Growing Guide
Growing Guide
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