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Gourd, Smooth Luffa (MƯỚP HƯƠNG)

Gourd, Smooth Luffa (MƯỚP HƯƠNG)

Regular price $4.00 USD
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Did you know you can grow your own sponges???  Yes folks.  We're talking about luffa sponges, commonly used in showers, tubs, and kitchen sinks all over the world.  Maybe you've seen it spelled "loofah".  It's the SAME THING!!  However, a lot of "loofah" sponges that are sold in stores are not made from the true luffa gourd.  They're made from plastics and other synthetic materials.  They're basically bath poofs.  If you want to sideline and read all about natural vs synthetic luffas, click here to check out an article that clearly explains it! 

The luffa gourd is very multi-purpose.  In many cultures, including Vietnamese and Southeast Asian, it's eaten when the fruits are young (12-14"), while the skin is still soft.  The white flesh is said to be delicious in soups and stir fries.  You can also eat the flower buds, shoots and young leaves.  We personally haven't eaten it, but that's because we like to let it dry on the vine and use it for a body or kitchen scrub!  

Like most squashes, this luffa loves full sun and warm soils, thriving in warm summer weather.  Definitely a long season crop - transplant into your garden after all danger of frost has passed, like when you plant cucumbers or zucchini.  A nice boost of nitrogen will help give the plant a sold star!  We recommend growing vertically up a cattle panel or other trellis type.  Growing vertically also helps ensure good air circulation and reduces pests and disease.  

To harvest for sponge usage, let the fruits dry on the vine - the outer skin will turn brown and papery and start to separate from the fibers underneath.  If you shake the gourd, you'll hear the seeds rattling inside.  After you pick it off the vine, peel off the outer shell, give it a rinse and a quick sun-dry.  You can easily cut the sponge into multiples if you prefer a smaller size or want to share with others!
We love using the sponge with our herb-infused salt scrubs, you can use them with whatever you have at home!  

  • Days to Maturity: 80 - 90
  • Companion Plants: Basil, Beans, Borage, Marigold, Nasturtiums, Oregano
  • Heirloom, Open-Pollinated (OP)
  • Plant Spacing: 12 - 24"  

Photo Credit: Kristen Kadow

Growing Guide

Whether you're a new or seasoned gardener, it can be good to educate yourself about your new plant.
We highly recommend (& use ourselves) the Almanac's Growing Guides.

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