How We Grow Our Plants

Here is some information on the growing conditions of our plants and seeds

First off, none of the plants or seeds are treated with pesticides or chemicals, ever.  

Pesticides and synthetic chemicals are highly toxic to bees and other pollinators. And when our pollinators are threatened, so is our food security.  Not to mention the other effects that toxins can have on our environment, people, animals, our plants, etc.  Our plants are safe for bees and are non-GMO.  The OSU Extension office has lots of published articles on the harmful effects of pesticides, we highly recommend researching science-based publications such as these.  

Our Growing Practices 

We make our own seedling and potting mixes and as of 2024, we are officially peat-free!  The growing mediums we use include: PittMoss, Pumice, Compost and/or Worm Castings.  

All of our starts are seasonally grown and adapted to our climate here in the Willamette Valley.  They are grown on our own properties (we're not big time yet so we don't own a farm with acres and greenhouses).  Every step in the process is handled by us.  We hand mix all the soil, whisper sweet words of encouragement for our plant babies, handle all of the transplanting, watering, etc.  Every single thing is done by us.   We take every measure to ensure our plants are grown sustainably and handled with care.  

We do not use synthetic fertilizers or treatment on our plants.  

About Our Seed Sources

We produce some of our own seed and we purchase seeds only from companies that have signed the Safe Seed Pledge, so you don’t have to worry about GMO’s (genetically modified organisms). 

We buy most of our seeds from PNW-based companies.  

ALL seeds we use are open-pollinated and organic.  Many are heirloom too!